Kurulus Osman Episode 16 In Urdu Subtitles Makki TV

Kurulus Osman Season 1 Episode 16  With Urdu Subtitles By Makki TV Team

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Makki Tv Post Osman Ghazi With Urdu Subtitles This Is A Very Famous Turkish Drama Serial Name Kurulus Osman And This Episode Is

Kurulus Osman Episode 16 In Urdu  

 Hello Friends! Welcome to Makki TV After a successful Turkish series like Dirilis Ertugrul, now Kurulus Osman is also on his way to success. 

Kurulus Osman Episode 16 In Urdu
Kurulus Osman Episode 16 In Urdu

Hello, friends. Is Dundar Bey saying goodbye to the seriesin episode 16?

 How many weeks will the series be suspended? 

Will not Bala's child be a child?

 What will happen to Balgay?

 Is Malhun Hatun character coming to the series? 

Will Alişar brain plans work? Who will kill Alişar?

 What news will Cergutay send to geyhatu? 

The answer to this and all your questions Let's start our analysis right now in this video. First of all, I want to draw attention toa detail. 

I have said many times that Cergutay is theman of geyhatu. But in this episode I am completely sure now. Because Osman Bey escaped Cergutay beforehe could kill Cergutay. 

If the screenwriter wanted, he could killthe cerga. Then Balgay would kill the certa. But he did not even, we all wondered whether he would kill, except for me, because I knew he would not. I give an example, even if he is not the manof geyhatu, this is very unlikely, 

he may be the man of balgay. But my opinion is definitely the man of geyhatu. 

The reason why I said the man of the balgmight be a small possibility is that if he had been a traitor for another event in anotherscene or not working for someone else, so he would have definitely died in this episode. So, as I said, I can say that I'm sure cergutayis the man of geyhatu. 

Kurulus Osman Episode 16 With Urdu Subtitles

Mr. Alişar returned from Konya. He turned and his blood flowed when he returned. More blood will flow. Be prepared, there are huge movements to theseries. What was Dündar's brain plan? Because this place is very important. Because Alişar brain plan will change allthe balances. 

The Alişar brain plan is to kill Osman Bey,Dundar Bey. Dundar to kill the balgay. Killing Balgay to Geyhatu. Well, Alişar, who said that GEYHATU was angrywith Osman, how would he kill Balgay to Geyhatu. This is exactly what I mean. 

Kurulus Osman Season 1 Episode 16 Urdu

Mr. Alişar told Geyhatu not what Balgay wantedto hear, but he told GEYHATU what he needed to learn and know. For example, Alişar himself said that CengizHan would take the laws of balgay to him. 

I will come back to this topic but first let'slook at the other name to say goodbye to the series. I said that Batur will say goodbye to theseries weeks before, and that he will say goodbye to this episode last week. There is a very well-rendered context in thearray. 

Batur Osman betrayed the gentleman. He earned him confidence first. Then he piled on him. Then Alişar bey gained the trust of baturin the forest. 

Batur Alişar trusted the gentleman and theperson he trusted was killed by Alişar bey, in fact, 

he experienced the same thing hedid. Now there is a poison chick. I have already told you 2 weeks, 

Makki TV Kurulus Osman In Urdu

first Batur,then zöhre hatun, and then the final Dundar brain will die. But when will the zohre chick die? More importantly, who will kill the zohreline? I think the Zohre line will die in Chapter16. Considering the death of Batur, 

Dundar brain,who will join the series, is very likely to kill his other wife, Hazal hatun, zohre Hatun. But I cannot say anything definitive for this. 

Hazal chick can kill the zohre line and throwthe crime on the Selcan line. Let's come to the first of the two most importantquestions. 

How will Osman Bey get out of the war he enteredwith Balgay and then Dündar Bey in the last scene in the forest and will Dundar Bey die? 

Kurulus Osman Episode 16 Urdu Subtitles By Makki TV

First of all, Balgay will find a way and escapewith the arrival of Dundar from there. So it will save your own life. Because it is already early for balgay todie. 

Geyhatu must come for Balgay to die. It also takes at least 1 or 2 episodes anyway. Anyway, as I said, 

Balgay will take advantageof the brain pressure from Dundar. Then, Mr. Dundar will attack Osman Bey andhis alps with all his might. 

As soon as Osman Bey will attack but to noavail, Dundar will put a sword in his brain, either an arrow will be shot from above, orswords will be drawn by those who come and Osman Bey will be prevented from killing Dundar. 

Just like Osman Bey will kill the balgay,when Dundar brain is raided at the last minute. But there is an important point here. Mr. Dundar had rushed there to take revengeon Osman. If not, not to save balgay. But Osman Bey, Dundar will kill the gentleman. 

So who is the man who will take the  the end of death? 

I will say that too. But first, before your very important second question, before how long the series will be given to you, let's talk about how Osman brain batur alpi will learn who killed and alişar brain death. Establishment Osman In the 15th episode, 

while Alişar bey was watching Osman and Mr. Dundar, if he did not remember his name, he had aman named melik. That man is the key. Because Osman Bey will first find and speakto Melik,

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